понедельник, 21 февраля 2011 г.

100%, 200% or 300% gains - my iron clad promise

Dear Daily Market Beat Reader,
What if I told you that I could guarantee you a 100% return this year?  How about 200% or 300% for that matter? 
You'd ask me to prove it.
So I will… and all I'm asking for is 5 minutes of your time.
My name is Tim Fields, Editor in Chief of Untapped Wealth and for the last 2 years I've been working on a service that doesn't have the potential to simply do well, it has the potential to set you up for life!
Two years ago, when the financial market fell to the ground, in its wake, were investors who watched as their rock solid accounts lost in some cases 50% or more of their values. 
Since then, these same investors have been working harder than they ever have in their lives to make back that loss so that they can maybe have a decent retirement and make back some of that money they rightfully deserve.
The plan was to make back all of their losses and then some.  Sounds simple enough, right? 
Well, it looks good on paper, but in reality, without the right guidance and the right plan of action, the losses investors incurred will never get paid back.  There is a reason it took 10 years+ to get to that 401K level.
If the investors who lost so much had been in the service I’m about to unveil to you, they WOULDhave (not could have or should have) already made them back their losses and then some.
What's so special about my service?  It does what others have promised.  It defies the market.  It is the best service of its kind for one reason: It works.
Let's forget about the 401ks and the IRAs for a moment... 
What would 100%-300% do for you? 
I bet, a hell of a lot, especially if the risk was minimal.  You might be wondering how this is possible. 
Forget about every other stock or equity you know of and remember these three words:
American Depository Receipts or ADRs. 
These largely undiscovered investments have gone by, under the radar, for far too long and I want to show you how you can double or even triple your trading accounts by simply investing in the right ones. 
For example, if you would have taken my recommendation for the following ADR in March of 2009, you'd be up over 360% in less than 14 months.
        Or if you had taken a recommendation for this ADR in July of 2010, you'd be up over 291% in 3 months: 

ADRs are as simple to trade as regular stocks and anyone can do it.  You don’t need a margin account or a professional trader, simply a broker or an online account like Scottrade or E*trade.
I can make you a simple guarantee with my ADR service.  I guarantee that if you aren’t happy within the first 60 days of your subscription than I'll refund your purchase.  That's how confident I am about this service and ADRs.
I'd like to offer you a one-time deal for 50% off our ADR service.  This deal goes no further than this email and will expire on today (2/21/11) at 11:59 pm. 
This is the best deal we've ever offered and this is the best deal we will ever offer.
To the most profitable year of your lives!
Tim Fields
Editor in Chief
The ADR Advisor

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