Health Concerns

Help undo the damages of Booze... Drugs... Burgers!

Healthy Arteries!

Slow the Effects
of Aging!

Boost your energy and immunity,
help restore your
pH balance!
House Calls with Dr. Cutler™ | February 23, 2011 |
Dear Igor,
“Walking is man’s best medicine,” proclaimed the Greek physician Hippocrates. And literature from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) agrees that daily physical activity can help reduce your chances of developing a fatal disease or condition. Walking has been shown to boost heart function, promote improved memory skills, improve bone density, help control weight gain and lift the blues. But this simple exercise can do a whole lot more for your body and mind and we’ll tell you how in today’s issue.
Plus, if you need extra immune protection during these chilly winter months, we’ve got some tasty suggestions below to boost your resistance all season long.
Yours for healthy living,

Michael Cutler, M.D.
Medical Advisor, True Health™
P.S. You won't believe this exciting news… House Calls With Dr. Cutler™and True Health™ are now on Facebook and Twitter and YOU are invited to join us for the latest news and special offers. Become a fan on Facebook by clicking the Like button on our page… and Share informative health and wellness info with your Facebook friends by clicking the Shareor Suggest To Friends button… and follow True Health™ on Twitter
Daily Walking May Reduce Risk Of Developing Type 2 Diabetes
According to a study published in the British Medical Journal, walking every day may not only help individuals lose weight but could also reduce their risk of type 2 diabetes. Many studies have demonstrated that physical activity successfully lowers body mass index and insulin resistance. However, this study is the first to show the long-term health benefits of taking more steps every day. More »
Promote Healthy Blood Sugar—The Natural Way!
If you’re one of more than 70 million Americans who are plagued by blood sugar woes, then you’ll be excited to discover that the conventional medical approach to balancing blood sugar may be highly ineffective. In fact, it can even be downright dangerous!
What’s more… shocking reports from major clinical studies show standard medicine therapy for blood sugar imbalances can cause a 22 percent increase in DEATH!
However, you can rest easy knowing there’s a safe and natural solution that can help…- Promote healthy balanced blood sugar and insulin levels
- Lessen your energy crashes
- Boost your energy levels
- Maintain healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels
And that’s not all! This scientifically backed breakthrough can also help reduce food cravings… improve your mood… and support healthy body weight. So if you’re tired of riding the blood sugar roller coaster, click herefor an all-natural and effective alternative.
Vitamin E Supplementation May Positively Impact Men’s Lifespan
A study that was recently published in the journal Age and Ageing has revealed that vitamin E supplementation may extend the lifespan of men, depending on their vitamin C intake, whether or not they smoke and their age. Although several trials did not establish an association between vitamin E supplementation and mortality, the researchers believe that this may be attributed to the wide range of ages of the participants. More »
A POWERHOUSE Of Protection To Keep You Healthy… Energetic… And Looking GOOD!
Did you know that one out of three Americans suffers from health problems most people chalk up to “old age” problems such as poor memory and “senior moments”… high blood pressure… high cholesterol… low energy levels… wrinkles and sagging skin… and varicose veins? Even allergy symptoms seem to increase as you age.
But the surprising fact is that most of these health problems can be improved and may even be REVERSED. How? With a combination of natural substances including phosphatidylserine (PS) to prevent memory decline, vinpocetine to enhance your memory and ginkgo biloba to protect your memory, as well as…- Quercetin—To protect your brain cells from free radical damage, help repair damage from brain injuries and help relieve allergy and asthma symptoms.
- Omega-3—To protect your brain and heart function, and help lower your cholesterol levels.
- DMAE—To help brain cells communicate, promote clear thinking and increase firmness in your skin.
Together with 11 other essential nutrients, these natural ingredients specifically target free radicals and help you turn back the clock on the aging process. Click here to find out how!
 | True Health™ Tip |
Protect Your Health With These Cold-Weather Fruits And Vegetables
If you’re looking for ways to safeguard your health during the winter, then include these nutrient-packed fruits and vegetables when planning your meals, according to Fox News…- Grapefruit—A fruit loaded with lycopene, an antioxidant which may contain anti-cancer capabilities, grapefruit are packed with vitamin C content and a variety of phytonutrients and flavonoids.
- Leeks—A member of the allium family of vegetables, leeks are filled with vitamins A, B6, C, K, folate, iron, disease-fighting phytonutrients and kaempferol (antioxidant polyphenols that are believed to protect blood vessel health).
- Rapini (broccoli rabe)—This herb-like veggie with a slightly bitter taste is chocked full of vitamins A, C, K and folate, minerals such as calcium, iron and manganese… and lutein, an antioxidant believed to provide eye protection by warding off oxidative damage.
- Sweet potatoes—Yellow or orange in color, these vegetables are nutritional powerhouses that contain almost no fat and very few calories. Plus they are loaded with vitamins A, B6 and C, and minerals manganese, potassium, fiber and vegetable protein.
- Turnip greens—These deep-green, pungent leaves of turnips provide strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Just 1 cup can provide you with 10 percent of your daily calcium and manganese, 27 percent of folate, 55 percent of your vitamin C and more than 100 percent of vitamins A and K.
 | Questions for the Doctor |
Preventative Measures Against Heart Attacks
Dear Dr. Cutler,
Although I’ve never had a heart attack, I am looking for ways to help ensure that I never do. You have recommended L-Arginine supplemented with vitamins C and E as a preventative measure. Can you be more specific about the vitamins?
Dear Chris,
The best sources of vitamins C and E are whole foods. Food sources of vitamin C are fresh fruits (citrus and apples), fresh vegetables and rose hips. And vitamin E can be found in cold-pressed vegetable oils, whole grains, nuts, molasses, eggs, sweet potatoes, broccoli, leafy greens and spinach. Another excellent source of vitamin E is in a “green drink” from the health food store which you can flavor with liquid stevia if you find the taste too bitter. Vitamins from whole foods give you much higher benefits than synthetic vitamin C and E pills.
All the best!
Michael Cutler, M.D.
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