Financial Analysis... Contrarian Insight... and Emerging Equity Ideas
February 22, 2011 |
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Your Daily Market Beat…
Investing In You
“I don’t care what Apple, Blackberry or
Android needs, I just care that this company
could make us extremely wealthy.”
Android needs, I just care that this company
could make us extremely wealthy.”
Without the technology this company’s perfecting, Smartphones would be dead in the water.
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In Today’s Issue…
* Investing in YOU (GI)
* BEYOND BORDERS (Gary Isaacson MBA)
Here’s an investment idea too rarely discussed. Your primary asset to market can be yourself. “How do I invest in me?” Simple, you know stuff. Monetize what you know.
I was struck the other day by the front page of the “Marketplace” of the Wall Street Journal. Two huge stories captured a tectonic change on one page…
Following Amazon and Apple’s lead, Google has decided to get into the publishing business. What has been the game changer? E-books. They are growing in popularity like mad, even as the traditional book business is imploding.
Haven’t we seen this show before? Yeah, iTunes killed the record stores as surely as video killed the radio star.
On the same page, the second story revealed how near death Borders is. They owe their publishers more than the GDP of most nations. Borders needs protection more than the southern border of Arizona.
Not since the invention of the Gotenburg press has there been such a technological leap in the distribution of text content. You can be a part of it.
First avoid the obvious. Brick and mortar bookstores are soon going to as be rarely visited as bug museums. They’re done. If you hold any stocks in these companies, better to get out late than not at all.
Publishers have tried to diversify through acquisitions but they have been the gatekeepers of text content for so long, their egos won’t let them admit they no longer rule and most of their new competitors are out of their league.
Still own any old publisher equities? Dump them.
The e-book war is on and there will be many survivors but only a few winners. In my opinion, Amazon’s Kindle is still the leader. It offers the best reading experience, the most access to titles and, at $139, this dedicated device is a bargain.
The iPad is hot and makes for a decent reading experience in most light, but it’s a little pricey and the iTunes Bookstore is a real pain for publishers.
SONY has an e-reader and a feud with Apple. There are lots of also-rans from every electronics company trying to get in on the party.
Amazon, unless they make a huge mistake, has the lead in all areas, from publisher relations to ease of uploading and downloading.
Color is coming to Kindle if you want to wait. The stock has been floating around. Don’t expect instant appreciation, but I think Amazon is still the best bet to benefit most from the e-book revolution.
So back to investing in you…
Can you write a graceful sentence?
Do you have experiences to share or an area of expertise?
If so, you can write a book. Hundreds of thousands of Americans have figured this out and are nearly effortlessly joining the publishing world.
If you insist on having a book made of paper, I suggest you get in touch with CreateSpace, a division of Amazon. They’ll hold your hand through the whole process, but at a pretty high price. Your book will need to sell for about $12 for you to see any profit.
A better way is to distribute your book totally electronically…
First, have it edited carefully. My wife makes sense of my lapses in punctuation. So I love dots and dashes; is that so wrong? My wife thinks punctuation matters. She’s probably right.
Design a clever cover or hire a graphic artist to do a professional job if PhotoShop is not your friend. Then make your book a simple Word .doc and upload it as an e-book directly to Amazon.
Here’s the amazing part. Traditional authors get a small percentage of their sales unless they can command a big advance by playing off their notoriety.
Why people buy books by Sarah Palin is beyond my comprehension but they do. These terrible tomes are the only thing keeping traditional publishers in business.
Upload your book and you may only sell a hundred copies but you get to keep 70% of the sale.
Google just announced they are going to allow self-publishers to keep 90%.
I uploaded my first novel “Game Over” to Kindle in 2007 and it still generates hundreds of dollars every month. I encourage you to read it as an object lesson and also to make me a few more bucks. You can do this too.
The best part: if you’ve always wanted to write and became discouraged when you received a rejection letter from some twelve year old gatekeeper at an old publishing house, you can now skip them completely, do the job yourself and keep most of the money.
You will probably not get rich self-publishing but it could happen. The reading public will never discover you if you don’t get your work out there.
Maybe you just think funny things and can draw funny pictures. The greeting card industry is ripe for electronic change as well.
You’re probably already wasting time texting your friends. Upload your wit and make it pay off.
Think of it this way. Let’s say your book makes you a couple hundred bucks a month. To make the same money by owning GE, you would need to buy 4285 shares at $21 per share. That’s an investment of nearly $90,000. Isn’t some of your spare time worth that?
The borders that kept the publishing world a private club is crumbling like the company of the same name. That’s bad for them, but good for you.
Boulder, CO: Ground Zero For The Evolution Of Power
What’s happening in this sleepy Rocky Mountain town that could rock the world,
and more importantly, how can it make us rich?
and more importantly, how can it make us rich?
Uncover the truth – Follow this link for all the shocking details!
Quote of the DaY
“A slender acquaintance with the world must convince
every man that actions, not words, are the true criterion
of the attachment of friends.”
--George Washington--
every man that actions, not words, are the true criterion
of the attachment of friends.”
--George Washington--
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