пятница, 25 февраля 2011 г.

Keeping our gas "natural"

Financial Analysis... Contrarian Insight... and Emerging Equity Ideas
February 24, 2011
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Your Daily Market Beat…

Drill, Baby, Drill?



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In Today’s Issue…
àSmells Like Profits (GI)
àNatural Gas, Excuse Me (Gary Isaacson MBA)
Everybody else is talking about turmoil in the Middle East; I guess I should weigh in. 
I think it’s an opportunity on several levels. 
We should feel camaraderie with all people who want to show their authoritarian leaders the door, even if the electorate is sometimes nut ball. 
That’s you Wisconsin.  Nutters.
So what’s the money play?
Oil of course, but let’s think this through… 
I’m betting the Saudi royalty can buy off their opposition and make up any world shortfall.
Libya’s contribution to world oil is minimal, thanks to years of being dumb. 
Iran, please.  Let the Chinese deal with those bastards.
Yemen, zero, Syria, zero.
Other than the Suez Canal, Egypt doesn’t matter in the oil game.
Even if oil hits $100 a barrel, we’ve been there before and much worse. The sooner we stop sending our money to the Middle East the better. 
So drill, baby drill? 
We have everything we need to get off the oil addiction right here.
I think President Obama is doing a first rate job with a lousy set of cards dealt, but he can’t quite bring himself to say, “natural gas”.  It does sound a bit impolite. 
I’m all for windmills and solar panels, but the best answer is cheap, plentiful and right beneath our feet.  We have enough natural gas from shale to last us longer than you or I care about. 
The pure play has been lousy because we have so much.  So let’s peer just a few years into the future… 
Natural gas engines.  That’s the ticket.  Westport (WPRT) has the lead and some pretty attractive new contracts with Cummins, Ford, UPS and the Chinese truck makers.  
Imagine how much less oil we would be burning and how much less CO2 we’d produce if all our big trucks and buses were using natural gas. 
Better still, the money for natural gas stays home.   
We’re not going to get off oil cold turkey, so where else do we look? 
O Canada, you still like us most of the time and you have tar sands, unimaginable quantities in northern Alberta where, face it, no one wants to live unless we really try harder at global warming. 
Suncor (SU) is turning black sand into black gold and they are still just getting started.  In a few years, they could be pumping 2,000,000 barrels a day.  And they are going to get better at it.  They’ll do it cheaper and cleaner than now. 
I guess we need to shoo the caribou and drill in ANWR Alaska.  Otherwise, our investment in the pipeline is going to be worthless; Prudhoe is about played out. 
Tourism?  Are you going to the coldest spot in the U.S for your next vacation?  Me neither. 
Seriously, we can do it without making a mess but we may need to deputize caribou spies. 
Remember Chevy Chase’s first movie?  Uranus Oil, “you can put your trust in Uranus”.  Still makes me laugh. 
When it comes to oil companies, trust them not even a little.   
Will chaos in the Middle East lead to a major war?  The crazies talk a good game, but go to war with Israel?  No one is that nuts, even Iran. 
“Hey gang, wanna go recapture the holy land?”  The Saudi answer is “we’re scared of you, not them.”
I believe natural gas producers will have their day if you are patient.  Chesapeake is about the best, but it could be a while before prices go up. 
Natural gas technology is the play that is going to pay off faster. 
Environmentalists, I’m with you, but back off natural gas. The leading natural gas pollutant of the atmosphere is methane from cow farts. 
Now if you could figure a way to capture cow farts, then you’d have a business.  Actually, folks are working on that; you “herd” it here first.
Let’s hope for the best for the people of the Middle East AND let’s get off their oil nipple for our own financial future. 
I love the smell of natural gas in the morning, smells like victory.

The Secret to getting rich in the stock market is to buy into a mega-trend early and sell off once it takes hold.
Simple right?  Not unless you’re the country’s top hedge-fund manager with 200 analysts and more than $1 billion of other people’s money to play with. 
Or you take him out to lunch once a month and pick up the tab.  Join me todayand I’ll let you inside a network of money so big and so powerful it will forever change the way you live.  

Quote Of The Day
“Winning is not a sometime thing, it is an all the time thing.
You don’t do things right once in a while… you do them
right all the time.”
--Vince Lombardi--

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